NCC National Communications Committee and Bureau of Standards and Inspections certified inspection-free commodities

The company’s ultrasonic bird repellent has confirmed with the NCC National Communications Committee and the Bureau of Standards and Inspection that this product has no radio frequency, so no inspection is required.
Contents of regulations: These measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 48, Item 4 of the Telecommunications Law. The management of radiation related to the establishment of industrial, scientific and medical electric wave radiation motors (hereinafter referred to as industrial medical motors) shall be handled in accordance with Article 4 of these Measures. fifth item;
5. Ultrasonic equipment: Refers to equipment that generates radio frequency energy to excite or drive motor energy converters to generate sound waves or ultrasonic mechanical energy, for industrial, scientific, medical, or other non-communication purposes.


Commodity Inspection Bureau reply letter
Electromagnetic wave detection ~ Ultrasonic bird repellent movement surface Radio wave: 34, Magnetic wave: 0
Electromagnetic wave detection ~ Ultrasonic bird repellent sound mask mouth Electric wave: 0 Magnetic wave: 0
Electromagnetic wave detection ~ Household electric fan movement detection Radio wave: 68, Magnetic wave: 488
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