Why does agriculture need to repel birds?

Taiwan is an agricultural country. Birds often peck at the newly sown seeds, tender seedlings, or harvested seeds and fruits in the early stages of crop growth or harvesting, causing losses to farmers, especially in mountainous areas or in autumn and winter when there are few food sources for birds. , the hazard is even more serious.
Cooperating with government agencies, using Di fusion’s ultrasonic bird repellent to report results about one month after oat sowing, the protection rate calculated by planting is as high as 95%, which can reduce the damage of birds to crops during sowing, and also reduce farmers’ field inspections time cost.


                                    Field map of oat crown rust adult plant experiment
(The gray box is the schematic diagram of the ultrasonic repellent)
2023/1/11 Survey results: The red circled plants suffered from bird damage, of which, 67 and 49 plants were pecked by birds when they first germinated: 35 plants were eaten by birds: 50 and 71 plants had The state of being picked up by birds, other places are less affected by birds

In another field, the equipment has been used as a perch for a long time after harvesting, resulting in a large amount of bird droppings accumulated on the equipment

👇️After placing the ultrasonic bird repellent for a week, a group of petites were photographed and came to this field. Because they didn’t like it, they gradually left the field within ten minutes.

👇️After placing the ultrasonic bird repellent for three weeks, the birds that used to occupy the high place as a perch for a long time will come back to the field from time to time, and leave in a short time due to the influence of sound waves.

Create a smart, green and friendly environment with the Di fusion Ultrasonic Bird Repeller

Schematic diagram of sound field layout and cycle impact

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